WASSCE 2018 English Objective Questions PDF

In this post, you will have the WASSCE 2018 English objective questions and answers. This is the Lexis and Structure section of the WAEC English Language past question paper for 2018.

Study closely all sections of this WASSCE 2018 English past questions paper. You will see the correct answers in bold lettering.

WAEC/WASSCE 2018 English Questions

Answer all the question

Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find the correct option for each question. Shade in pencil on your answer sheet the space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question. Be sure you understand the instructions at the beginning of each section before you try to answer any of the questions that follows them. Do not spend too much time on a question. If you find a question difficult leave it and go on and try it again later.

Use pencil throughout. If you wish to change an answer, erase your first answer completely and shade the appropriate space for the new answer.

An example is given below:

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes the sentence.

The three-month notice of resignation which the manager gave ……… in two weeks’ time.

A. Expires

B.  Lapses

C. Disrupts

D. Develops

The correct answer is expires which is lettered A and therefore answer space A would be shaded.

Now answer the following questions.


In each of the following sentences, there is a word underlined and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1. Even in trying situations, people should react in a courteous, not in a …………way.

A. Violent B. Vengeful C. Remorseful D. Resentful

2. Even though the president gave his assent to the appointments, others expressed…………..

A. Disapproval B. Disregard C. Disrespect D. Dismay

3. Climbing the mountain was arduous but the descent was ………….

A. Slippery B. Curvy C. Bump D. Easy

4. The two products have diverse attributes, yet they are ….

A. Presentable B. Comparable C. Marketable D. Preferable

5. If you are appalled by an experience, you cannot suddenly be ……………by it.

A. Encouraged B. Informed C. Excited D. Influenced

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6. Skeptics view as fantasy what others hold as …

A. Normal B. Trivial C. Dear D. Fact

7. As I studied more, my interest in the subject rather intensified; it did not …………

A. Recede B. Reverse C. Wane D. Waive

8. Provocative acts inflame passions; they do not …………them

A. Prevent B. Soothe C. Distort D. Manage

9. All fragile items were carefully packed into ………….boxes

A. Compact B. Heavy C. Massive D. Sturdy

10. As conditions continue to deteriorate, steps should be taken to ………..them

A. Eliminate B. Ameliorate C. Activate D. Elevate

 WAEC 2018 English Objectives SECTION  II

From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences.

11. He has no ………….reason for stealing the gadgets.

A. Significant B. Relevant C. Plausible D. Remarkable

12. The team won the…………match to qualify for the final stage

A. Conditional B.  Crucial C. Critical D. Principal

13. The article …… considerable light on the author’s writings.

A . sheds B. conveys C.  expresses D .    exposes

14. The need to feel wanted is an……………….part of human nature.

A. Appropriate B. Integral C. Assured D. Expected

15. The report was a……………distortion of what actually happened.

A. Large B. Major C. Mass D. Gross

16. Political unrest causes millions all over the world to be ……….

A. Dislocated B.  Displaced C.  Dismantled D. Disorganized

17. The reference dictionary provided ………answers to the questions.

 A. Constructive B. Qualitative C. Informative D. Satisfactory

18. Mabel’s honesty ……the attention of the superior officers.

A. Seized B. Grabbed C. Caught D. Caused

19. In ……, the experience I went through helped me to grow in life.

A. retrospect B. review C. perspective D. reverse

20. We presented the documents as a…. A. Formality B. Commendation C. Custom D. Necessity.

                                SECTION III

This part of the WASSCE 2018 English objective questions and answers post focuses on synonyms.

Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word or expression in each sentence.

21. Financing huge projects is a daunting task.

A. Significant B. Formidable C. Heavy D. Harsh

22. The students were cautioned not to succumb to peer pressure.

A. Cling to B. Participate C. Associate with D. Give in to

23. Sometimes lack of information can be as fatal as misinformation.

A. Viral B. Serious C. Deadly D. Vital

24. You should always be receptive to great ideals.

A. Responsive B. Amenable C. Permissive D. Addicted

25. After ten years, the firm completed the prestigious project.

A. Outstanding B. Treasured C.  Gigantic D. Expensive

26. The king appeared resplendent in his regalia.

A. Wonderful B. Strange C. Majestic D. Powerful

27. The law imposes certain inhibitions on citizens’ behavior.

A. Conditions B. Sanctions C. Implications D.  Restrictions

28. The birth of a child eclipses the pains of labour.

A. Eliminates B. Lightens C. Soothes D. Overshadows

29. Creative artists mimic nature in their work.

A. Mould B.  Imitate C. Record D. Conserve

30. The invention of printing has saved many words from oblivion.

A. Disuse B.  Archaism C. Obscurity D. Misuse

                    SECTION IV

An interesting part of the WAEC/WASSCE English Language objective questions paper is the section on the proper interpretation of English idioms and figurative expressions.

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the sentence given. Choose the interpretation you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

Interpretation of Idioms

31. It is unfortunate that our natural resources are being exploited for a pittance. This means that

A. just enough capital is needed.

B. they have no market value.

C. they are not put to good use.

D. hardly enough profit is made.

32. Halidu supported the team through thick and thin. This means he supported the team

A. on and off

B. as situations demanded.

C. even when there were difficulties.

D. to some extent.

33. The instructions were written in black and white. This means that they were

A. clear

B. abstract

C. absurd

D. confusing

34. Regi’s observations do fly in the face of reason. This means that they

A. are too many

B. are not objective

C. do not make sense

D. do not reflect current views

35. The team won the match fair and square. This means that they won

A. without much stress

B.  without controversy

C.  by the rules

D.  by penalties

36. There is danger looming on the horizon. This means that danger is

A. Everywhere

B.  Imaginary

C.  Imminent

 D. Curtailed

37. Homo’s music mirrors the feeling of optimism in the country, this means that,

A. Touches heart

B. Is worthy of emulation

 C. Contains modern ideas

D. Reflects hope

38. The pursuit of wealth should not be an end in itself. This means that wealth should not be

A. The desired means of living

B. Enjoyed by one person

 C. The sole objective

D. Condemned totally

39. When the alarm went off, the thief showed a clean pair of heels. This means that the thief

A. Ran away

B. Hid himself

C. Surrendered himself

D. Fell down

40. Last night’s experience made Abena’s hair stand on end. This means Abena was

A. Excited

B. Embarrassed

 C. Annoyed

D. Frightened.

                          SECTION V

This last section of the WASSCE 2018 English objective past question paper is devoted to a test on your mastery of English vocabulary.

Your ability to use the appropriate words in a specific context will help you in your studies beyond senior high school. This is why the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) takes it seriously.

In the following passage, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below the passage, four choices are offered in columns lettered A to D. For each numbered gap, choose from the options provided for that number, the word that is most suitable to fill the gap.

Lexis and Structure Passage

          The continued existence of all living things, whether animals or plants depends on the –41—balance of the planet. It is therefore of vital importance to maintain it. This can be done by creating forest reserves which ensure a constant supply of oxygen and other substances that are –42—to humans. Animals provide useful services like seed –43–. Insects also help plants to thrive through –44–, thus creating an enabling environment.

          Tourists derive intense pleasure in watching animals in their natural—45–. The problem is that—46—species of animals are being endangered. Some are already reduced to a handful and face—47–. Conservationists, therefore, endeavour to rear a few survivors in captivity and release them back into the wild where they—48—in protected areas. –49—patrol these zones to check the activities of –50—who kill animals for sports and commercial purposes.

          A                            B                            C                             D      

41. Ecological     environmental           biological  botanical

42.  Lucrative        clinical                       beneficial familiar

43.  Germination   planting                     dispersal  spreading

 44. Cultivation     pollination      conservation   propagation

45. Surroundings localities                    environs    habitats

46. Rare                           scarce                         unusual        unknown

47. Extinction                 cessation                    stagnation    hibernation

48. Multiply                    produce                       breed            increase

49. Activists                    rangers                       protectors    agents

50. Hunters                     butchers                     poachers    traders

Last Word

This is the end of the lexis and structure section of the WAEC WASSCE 2018 English objective questions. Do you wish to learn more about literary devices and figures of speech? You can download a full-sized revision notebook containing hundreds of literary devices at Cegast Academy. It is completely FREE.

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