Amma Darko

Discuss the Significance of the Relationship Between Maa Tsuru and Kpakpo

This tutorial will describe how Maa Tsuru met Kpakpo and the details of the first meeting between Maa Tsuru and Kpakpo in Faceless . We shall also take a close look at the significance of this first meeting  and the subsequent relationship between Maa Tsuru and Kpakpo that grows out of it. You can find

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Comment on the Friendship Between Fofo and Odarley

The friendship between Fofo and Odarley is one that is built around the following core values: So close is the friendship between Fofo and Odarley that they do many things together. Interdependence between Fofo and Odarley As close friends, Fofo and Odarley trust and depend on each other as a means of coping with the

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The Character and Role of Fofo in Faceless

The character and role of Fofo in Faceless is one big predictable topic for both students and teachers of WASSCE Literature-i-English, isn’t it? I daresay there is no teacher nor student of Literature-in-English who wouldn’t have thought about the role of Fofo as they prepare for WASSCE, JAMB, NECO or any other examination involving Darko’s

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Describe the Attempts Made by Poison to Hide Baby T’s Identity

Baby T’s identity after her death remains a mystery to the people of MUTE and Harvest FM for some time. The person who goes to great lengths to hide Baby T’s identity is Poison. We shall begin this tutorial about attempts made by Poison to hide Baby T’s identity by briefly outlining the events that

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The Significance of the First Encounter Between Kabria and Fofo at the Agbogbloshie Market

  This tutorial is about the significance of the first encounter between Kabria and Fofo at the Agbogbloshie Market. For you to do proper justice to a question about the first encounter between Kabria and Fofo at the Agbogbloshie Market, you will need to cover the below important areas. But before we continue … I

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The Character and Role of Kabria in Faceless

  In this tutorial on  the character and role of Kabria in Amma Darko’s Faceless, we will delve into the following major points. I trust that you will pay close attention to these aspects of the character called Kabria in the novel, Faceless. Below are your key points to bear in mind as you do

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10 Useful Extracts from Amma Darko’s Novel, Faceless

Are you a Literature-in-English student? Are you an independent learner preparing for WASSCE or any other examination? Are you expecting to answer one or more essay questions based on Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless? I have good news for you. It is possible to find it very easy writing a high-grade Literature essay. How? Just by

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Comment on the View That Baby T is a Victim of Social Injustice

  Amma Darko portrays Baby T as a victim of social injustice. The premature death of Baby T is clearly an avoidable one. It is the injustices in the society which this girl came to meet that bring about her sad end. There are many instances of social injustice which have conspired to end the

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A Simplified Summary of Amma Darko’s Novel, Faceless.

Here is a simplified, direct-to-the-point summary of the relevant details in the novel, Faceless, by the Ghanaian writer, Amma Darko. AMMA DARKO: FACELESS Summary of the Text The story begins with the protagonist, a street child called Fofo. Fofo earns her livelihood by washing vegetables and petty stealing. She befriends another street child, Odarley and

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A Brief Summary of the Themes and Characters in Amma Darko’s Novel, Faceless

  The themes of Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless, are many. Here is my master list of the major themes in Faceless by the Ghanaian novelist, Amma Darko. AMMA DARKO: FACELESS The key themes you should note in Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless 1.Streetism: deplorable conditions and violence against street children, particularly vulnerable girls like Baby T and

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What Makes Amma Darko’s Novel, Faceless, a Satire?

  Here is a quick look at the objects of criticism in the novel, Faceless. These are the aspects which contribute to making Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless a satire. Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless, is a satire. She uses her characters, settings and themes to expose the wrongs in the Ghanaian society as a way of

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5 Examples of the Use of Symbols in Amma Darko’s Novel, Faceless

  Here are five examples of how Amma Darko makes use of symbolism in her novel, Faceless. 1. The blue Rasta kiosk and the clean-shaven body of Baby T Amma Darko makes reference to the blue Rasta kiosk on several occasions as the place where Baby T’s clean-shaven body is found lying naked. In the

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The Role of Women in Amma Darko’s Novel, Faceless

  Comment on Amma Darko’s Faceless as a feminist novel. What role do women and girls play in Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless? Now I present to you some key points to help you answer with ease the above possible questions (or other related ones) on the novel, Faceless. You may like also: Savings alone won’t

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The Character and Role of Kpakpo in Amma Darko’s Novel, Faceless

  Here is all you need to know about the character called Kpakpo in the Ghanaian writer, Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless. This post is divided into two parts to address the two keywords in the title above. The character of Kpakpo in Faceless The role of Kpakpo in Faceless Please note: This is exactly what

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Chapter Summaries of Faceless: Chapter One

I present to you a summary of Chapter One of Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless. Poison’s unsuccessful attempt to rape Fofo Three significant incidents to note in chapter one of Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless, are Fofo’s dream of a comfortable life Poison’s unsuccessful attempt to rape Fofo Fofo and Odarley’s visit to the rubbish dump At

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