Top 22 Elements of Poetry You Need to Know

The elements of poetry can vary slightly depending on different interpretations and perspectives. However, here are ten commonly recognized elements of poetry:

The most commonly recognized elements of poetry are imagery, diction, theme, figurative language, meter, rhythm, structure, tone, repetition and sound devices.

In this post, I will give you a list of the elements of poetry that you need to know to enable you to do a thorough analysis and appreciation of a poem.

You will find a brief definition and explanation under each one of the characteristics of poetry.

So if you are looking for a list of the key elements of poetry then keep reading.

Are you ready? Let’s do it.

We shall start with Imagery as one of the well known features of poetry and end with Closure.

1. Imagery

Imagery is the use of descriptive language and vivid sensory details to create mental images and evoke emotions in the reader.

The types of imagery include visual imagery, auditory imagery and olfactory imagery.

6 Types of Imagery in Literature

How to Define Poetic Devices and Types of Poetry

2. Diction

Diction is one of the prominent elements of poetry. It is often linked to the poet’s use of imagery.

Diction refers to the poet’s choice and arrangement of words. It includes the use of formal or informal language, specific vocabulary, and wordplay also known as pun.

3. Sound Devices

Poetry thrives on sound devices.

Most poets use poetic techniques such as rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia to create sound effects in their poems.

Sound devices may be used by a poet to develop themes and enhance the auditory experience of the poem.

4. Theme

A theme is the central idea or underlying message that the poet explores and conveys to readers. Popular themes in poetry include love, nature and the human condition.

5. Figurative Language

By figurative language, we mean the use of literary devices such as simile, metaphor, personification, irony, pun and symbolism to add depth and layers of meaning to the poem.

Poetry relies heavily on figurative language to explore themes in condensed language. Thus, figurative language is one of the essential elements of poetry.

6. Tone

Tone is the poet’s underlying emotional expression. It is conveyed through the poet’s choice of words, imagery, and overall style.

Tone is one of those elements that enable the reader to discover and appreciate the poet’s mood and attitude towards their subject.

Literary Devices and Figures of Speech 101 PDF

How to Understand Literary Devices

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7. Mood

Mood is a literary device in which a poet evokes a specific emotional atmosphere through diction, imagery and other poetic devices.

A poet’s mood also conveys their attitude to the idea they explore in the poem. The goal may be to bring out a similar feeling or emotional response from the reader.

Words related to human emotion such as calm, tense, pensive, nostalgic, joyful, uneasy and optimistic are often used to describe the mood of a poem.

8. Attitude

A poet’s attitude is how they feel about something. For example, a poet may feel strongly and concerned about a subject or convey an attitude of indifference.

Just like mood and tone, attitude is conveyed through the overall use of other poetic devices.

9. Structure and Form

The arrangement of lines, stanzas, and the overall organization of the poem constitutes the structure and form of a poem.

Poets use poetic structure and form to write types of poetry such as sonnets, haiku, blank verse and free verse.

10. Meter

Meter is the rhythmic pattern created by the stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry.

It is often achieved through the use of specific metrical feet like iambic or trochaic.

Meter plays a key role in determining a poem’s rhythm.

11. Voice

In poetry, voice is the poet’s unique perspective, style, and personality that shine through their words and create a distinct voice for the poem.

12. Symbolism

Symbolism is a literary technique that involves the use of objects, actions, or images to suggest deeper meanings beyond their literal interpretation.

Symbols can add layers of metaphorical or allegorical significance to a poem.

13. Irony

Irony is among the most important elements of poetry. It involves the writer’s use of words or situations to convey a meaning that is the opposite of what is expected or intended.

Poets often employ irony for humorous or satirical effect.

14. Enjambment

In poetry, enjambment is the continuation of a sentence or thought from one line to the next without a pause. Its intended effect is often to create a sense of continuity, flow and fluidity.

15. Caesura

Caesura in poetry is the natural end to a poetic phrase especially when the phrase ends in the middle of a line in a poem.

16. Allusion

Poets often use allusion to develop their themes and elicit certain responses from readers.

Allusion is a reference to a well known person, event, or work of literature that is outside of the poem in question.

It adds depth and resonance to the poem by tapping into shared historical, cultural or literary knowledge and contributes to a better understanding of the themes.

17. Repetition

Among the elements of literature is repetition.

There is repetition when the poet deliberately uses words, phrases, sounds, or structures multiple times in the poem.

Poets often use repetition for emphasis, rhythm, or to create a pattern within the poem.

Just like meter, repetition has the capacity to contribute to the overall musical tone and impact of the poem.

18. Contrast

Contrast refers to the juxtaposition of two opposing ideas, images, or concepts in a poem.

Poets often employ contrast to create a sense of tension, highlight differences, or enhance the overall meaning of the poem.

19. Persona

The assumed speaking voice or character that the poet adopts to compose the lines of a poem is what is referred to as the Persona.

This speaking voice, which is distinct from the poet, may be a fictional or historical character, or an alter ego of the poet.

A persona is one of those elements of poetry that is used to objectively explore and convey the different perspectives and voices within the poem.

20. Shift or Turn

There is a shift or a turn in a poem when a sudden change in tone, perspective, or subject matter occurs within the poem.

Shifts can add complexity and surprise to the poem, altering the reader’s interpretation or emotional response.

A clever use of contrast, for example, could bring about a shift or turn in a poem.

21. Ambiguity

As an element of poetry, ambiguity refers to the presence of multiple possible interpretations or meanings within a poem.

Ambiguity is one of those elements of poetry that challenges readers to engage actively with the text in order to explore as many possible themes and meanings as possible.

22. Closure

Closure is the sense of completion or resolution that a poem provides to the reader.

This may occur in the final lines, a concluding thought, or a shift in the emotional journey of the poem.

Final Thoughts

We have been looking at the key elements of poetry. Imagery, diction, symbolism and repetition are common techniques that a poet employs to achieve their goals.

What other elements of poetry can you identify in your study of poetry? Let me know your views in a comment below.

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