20+ Sample WASSCE English Summary Questions and Answers

Passage 6

Read the passage below carefully and then answer, in your own words as far as passable, the questions on it

The world’s universities are bursting at their seams: every faculty has recently had to close its doors to hundreds of heartbroken applicants. Archaeology is no exception; and that is as it should be, for, without this discipline, the world would have been deprived of every useful bit of knowledge. One shudders at how badly off the world would have been for the lack of such useful knowledge.

For instance, last Friday, 13th of August, every news bulletin carried the item of a most exhilarating archaeological find, nine-thousand-year old fossils dug up from 15 miles below the earth’s surface have revealed that in pre-historic times teenagers chewed gum. The experts knew that the teeth of the fossil definitely belonged to a teenager because, although they were not as developed as a fully grown adult’s they were much stronger than a child’s would have been. The gum has been solidified from sap from a birch tree and must have been sweetened with honey with mint leaf added for flavor.

Further research was promised to determine whether chewing gum was medicinal. The suspicion was that if it was otherwise why would a teenager in the bloom of youthful exuberance lie dead with his gum securely wedged between his molars? Research would also establish whether the pre-historic teenager chewed his gum until all its sweetness ran out and whether he did so with relish.

The excavation and its attendant analyses have so far cost 18 billion American dollars, the newscaster said, a further 10 billion has been allocated to the Archaeological consortium to resolve the questions that puzzled scientists, historians and sociologists – indeed the whole of the academic world.

Anum chewed his lower lip as he gazed at the pre-set radio that was excitedly blasting the details. Being a typical Third world county bumpkin with no breeding in aesthetics, he mused upon how very grateful his debt-ridden motherland would be if these billions were to be given her to pay some of her foreign debts. But that is to be expected because Anum is too philistine to pay compliments where compliments are due.

The mothers of the women’s union were more cultured in their views. They would be grateful if a little more money is added to the allocation to enable the archaeologists to tell them whether the mothers of the Stone Age era approved of their teenage children cheerily chewing their pre-historic chewing gum.

a) In a single sentence, use three adjectives that describe pre-historic chewing gum.

b) In one sentence, state the general usefulness of archaeology.

c) In three sentences, one for each, list the points that further research should clarify about pre-historic chewing gum.

d) In one sentence, contrast Anum’s attitude with that of the archaeologists.

    (a) It was hard, sugary and tasty

  (b) It creates an avenue for learning about and understanding the past

               (c)  (i) It was to establish if chewing gum had some healing properties

                     (ii) It was to find out if the chewing gum was chewed until it lost its sweetness

                     (ii) Further research should clarify whether the teenagers enjoyed chewing it.

d) Whilst Anum considers archaeological research as a waste of scarce resources, the archaeologists appear to attach great importance to their work.

Passage 7

Let us take a sober look at one of the many ancient virtues that Sunday school teachers used to make us believe will take us to heaven. Sister Victoria preached temperance. Sister said that everything was good for our souls provided it was done with temperance, many of my classmates loved the word temperance, because as Sophia used to say, “The word came tripping off our tongues and made us sound learned”.

Modern scientists have gone through tons of research material and have come full circle to conclude that, if we want to live safe and sound, we should do everything with moderation. Science says that sleep is a tonic for our bodies; provided the habit is not over-indulged in. Six hours of sleep each night will make us grow old before our time.

Heart surgeons tell us that gentle daily exercise protects us from heart attacks; that irregular outbursts of vigorous exercise will kill us in no time.

Beauticians warn us that occasional smiling relaxes the muscles of the face, but that persistent grinning from ear to ear disturbs the smoothness of the face and makes us wrinkle up and look old before our time.

The conclusions of both religion and science merge into a single lesson that for anything to give us its full advantages it should be done with lukewarm indifference. Tony is not all sure that he likes temperance for the welfare of his soul, nor for the good of his body. His main consolation is that his two colleagues, Boat and Akua also dislike indifference.

Tony’s elder sister Emerald, has warned him that it is immature to divide the world into only blacks and whites, Emerald endorses the Biblical and scientific view that most of our world is really created in some indistinct insipid grey all the same.

Tony has promised that he may accept uninteresting moderation when he has one foot in the grave. Right now, however, he means to discover the joys of living dangerously.

a) In not more than eight words, find a suitable title for this passage. Do not use the words temperance and moderation. Your answer does not have to be a sentence.

b) In one sentence, state the main advantage of the virtues.

c) In three short sentences, summarize the specific recommendations of science.

d) In one sentence, state the difference between temperance and moderation.


                 (b)  One can enjoy a happier and longer life.

                  (c)  (i) Sleep should be restricted to very few hours.

                         (ii) A little exercise a day is all that the body needs.

                         (ii) Only short spells of smiling are good for the face.

                 (d) Whilst temperance enriches one spiritually, moderation ensures one’s physical health

Passage 8

Read the following passage carefully and answer in your own words, as far as possible, the questions on it.

One perennial problem which school authorities have to grapple with is indiscipline. In some schools, acts of gross indiscipline are indulged in on a daily basis. Despite this, corporal punishment which was used to curb this in the past has been banned by the education authorities. Indiscipline has led to chaos and upheavals in many cases. This accounts for the poor academic performance of some schools. Sometimes, the student’s future is ruined as he leaves school prematurely, becoming a burden on his family and a potential threat to the society.

The causes of indiscipline in schools can, in the first place be traced to the family background of the student. Charity is said to begin at home. Family upbringing is the foundation of the child’s character. The moral fiber and behavior of an individual speak volumes about the type of training given him at home. Take insubordination for example. It can be traced to pampering and over-indulging of the child at home by the parents. Children from such a background find it difficult to obey simple school regulations. They cannot bear the control that contrasts with the permissiveness experienced at home.

Another form of indiscipline which has defied solution is examination malpractice. This is often blamed on the dishonesty of the individual, but the real problem is the family’s failure to inculcate in the child the virtues and benefits of hard work. Students who indulge in such acts often see those around them succeeding through fraudulent means so they try to follow suit. The larger society must also take some of the blame because it condones such fraudulent acts. The habit of worshipping the rich, regardless of the questionable sources of the wealth of some of them, makes the young develop the end justifies the means attitude. They would therefore not devote their time to their studies but sit by and seek and employ all means to pass their examinations.

It cannot be denied that indiscipline in schools has far-reaching consequences for society at large. The school brings up most of our leaders. So the corrupt and dishonest leaders of tomorrow are the students who cheat in examinations and wantonly break school regulations today. It is therefore important to curb the spate of indiscipline in our schools.

The solution will not come easily but a measure of success can be achieved if counselling sessions are held regularly for students and students are taught how to invest their energies in profitable ventures. Concerted efforts should be made to build strong family values which can assist the child to imbibe the cherished virtues of society. Consequently, leaders, whether political, religious, business or community must hold themselves up as models for students. Those who indulge in acts of indiscipline, whether students or adults must be severely dealt with to serve as a deterrent to others.  Parents and guardians should be interested not only in their wards’ academic progress but also closely monitor their social life at home and in school by paying regular visits to the school.

a) In two sentences, one  for each, state two ways in which the family contributes to indiscipline in children.

b) In one sentence, state one way in which society contributes to indiscipline in children

c) In three sentences, one for each, state the remedies suggested by the writer in curbing indiscipline.

a) i)Some families pamper their children.

   ii) Some do not instill the value of hard work in their children.

b) Society tends to encourage dishonesty.

c) i) Students need to be counselled.

   ii) Strong family values must be inculcated in children.

  iii) Wrongdoers must be severely sanctioned.

Passage 9

Read the following passage carefully and answer in your own words, as far as possible, the questions on it.

One thing which distinguishes the world of entertainment as unique is its worldwide appeal and the fact that it provides a glamorous means of living for countless numbers of people. People of all walks of life, of all ages and from all parts of the world, hold similar views about entertainment. Top entertainers have performed before kings, queens and other dignitaries.

Entertainment comes to us in different forms – recitals, narrations, songs, drama and dance. These are meant to please people, make them feel happy and sometimes instruct them. Audiences are particularly thrilled by the antics and acrobatic displays that well-trained entertainers put up on stage. Apart from performing in shows before packed audiences in the country’s stadia in commemoration of Independence Day and other important historical events.

Entertainment, it is true, has a natural quality of attracting people away from their workplaces and making them unburden their minds and hearts in uncontrollable laughter. This is why it is often said that entertainment can improve the health of those weighed down by depression. Indeed, it has other therapeutic effects.

One often observes people from all walks of life showing a deep interest in entertainment. It is heart-warming that through entertainment, people from different backgrounds sink their differences and share the thrills together. Keats says A thing of beauty is a joy forever. I have never seen any group of people frown on enjoyment; the pleasures of life know no bounds.

However, the darker side of the world of entertainment presents an appalling picture. Sometimes, people who are gullible, copy undesirable traits and ways of popular artists and practice them. Others indulge in criminal and anti-social activities. Newspapers present horrible reports of popular entertainers who have indulged in various immoral practices such as trading in drugs and even becoming drug pushers. And there are others who drive carelessly under the influence of alcohol and perish in untimely deaths. It is, indeed, sad that some of these people lead irresponsible lives thus casting a slur on the image of the entertainment industry.

Some great entertainers have, without doubt, tarnished their reputation and disappointed their followers while attracting criticism from the general public. To say the least, entertainment has ruined many lives. Once, an audience that was worked to a high pitch of excitement made a rush for the stage, killing a lot of people in the ensuing stampede.

Very few people will dispute the fact that entertainers have exercised negative influences on the characters of the youth who have imbibed their ideas. Once such wrong ideas get imprinted on their young minds, it becomes next to impossible to get rid of them. It would therefore be more beneficial if we were selective in what we watched by way of entertainment. In this way, the entertainment industry would be helped to grow and made to serve the nation better

a) In three sentences, one for each, state the advantages of entertainment.

b) In two sentences, one for each, state the arguments that critics advance against entertainment.

c) In one sentence, state how people can get maximum benefit from entertainment.

a) i)It provides employment for many. (OR: It is a source of income for many people.)

   ii) Entertainment has health benefits.

   iii) It unites people.

b) i) It can provide bad role models for the youth.

    ii) Entertainment has destroyed many lives.

c) People must choose their form of entertainment wisely. (OR: People must be careful in choosing their type of entertainment.)

Passage 10

Read the following passage carefully and answer in your own words, as far as possible, the questions on it.

A woman’s health is critical to the economic and social well-being of her family, community ad country. The health of a pregnant woman is even more special because she needs access to health services to save her from death resulting from complications relating to childbirth, which are best treated by the obstetrician specialist. That is why maternal health has been given a central place on the Millennium Development Goals launched recently.

Twenty years of research and pilot interventions have shown that complications due to pregnancy which might lead to death come in various forms. In deprived areas of the country, pregnant women tend to suffer from malnutrition. Not enough variety of food is available to them. They eat foods lacking in the rich nutrients needed by both mother and child to stay healthy. In the absence of a balanced diet, malnutrition and anemia set in. The expectant mother is unlikely to survive without medical intervention.

Sometimes, mother and unborn child may look healthy as long as the pregnancy lasts. Soon the mother feels she is in labour but this may be false. Without a professional attendant to confirm labour, she may be forced to push out the baby prematurely and cause fatal damage to herself and the baby.

Now that in many countries the law permits women to abort unwanted babies, some pregnant women take advantage of this law. Sometimes also, certain medical conditions may compel an obstetrician to abort a baby in order to save the mother. Such abortions are considered safe, but the unsafe ones are those that are carried out by mothers alone, with help from some unapproved potions or quack doctors. The newspapers often narrate sorrowful tales of mothers who die by causing abortion. An alcoholic mother exposes her unborn baby to great danger. This is so because this baby is not spared the damaging effect of the alcohol the mother takes. It may suffer irreparable brain damage. At the time of delivery, therefore, the expectant mother may find herself delivered of a stillborn baby.

Poverty alleviation programmes should be initiated by governments particularly for women in rural areas. Such programmes should include the need to create not only an awareness of good nutrition during pregnancy but also a direct intervention with the supply of a wide variety of nutritious foods.

In many regional and district hospitals, there are antenatal clinics where pregnant women are attended to by qualified public health midwives. These professionals should counsel pregnant women on maternal health care including the dangers of abortion.

Pregnant women who do not avail themselves of the facilities of antenatal clinics put themselves at risk. District assemblies must provide resources for health professionals to visit pregnant women in their villages and homes and educate them on the real signs of labour. In addition, teenage girls and uninformed women should be counseled.

Pregnant women should also be targeted by organizations that fight alcoholism. The damage this addiction can cause is enormous and pregnant women are vulnerable. They must be encouraged to say no to alcohol.

a) In three sentences, one for each, state the causes of maternal mortality

b) In three sentences,  one for each, state the measures that must be taken to prevent maternal mortality

a) i) Poor diet is one cause of maternal mortality.

   ii) It sometimes results from a lack of professional midwives.

   iii) Unsafe abortion also causes maternal mortality.

b) i) Government must implement poverty reduction programmes.

    ii) Trained midwives should educate pregnant women on maternal health.

              iii) Pregnant women must avoid taking alcohol.

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19 thoughts on “20+ Sample WASSCE English Summary Questions and Answers”

  1. Bakano A. Murtala

    Hi there,
    Thank you very much for these wonderful efforts. May God almighty have you and your family blessed and enriched with eternal success. Amen

  2. thank you for this. In truth, this is actually how I answer summary questions in my school’s examinations; I make them short and precise, but as of late, my teacher favours lengthy answers able to convey a whole paragraph than a short answer that actually summarises the paragraph containing the answer with at least 5 words. Even if I’m still in SS2, His teaching methods make me feel like I might actally fail English in my WAEC. I just want to know if I’m on the right track or if I should follow what my teacher says

  3. Pretty Princess

    Thank you so much sir .Please the sample summary question two seems quite difficult and not easily understandable.

    1. Hi Princess. Thank you for the kind words. Showing the way is our goal here and I’m glad you found something useful here. You’re right about the passage you referred to. It belongs to a different era so you need not worry. I trust that you will have the kind of passage that is more manageable. Good luck.

  4. Passage two answers are lengthy. Summary answers should be rid of unwanted details. Those details in the answers are not required

    1. Hello Elaai, thanks so much for your feedback. Yes, I agree that some of the answers you refer to appear to be LENGTHY.
      ‘Summary answers should be rid of UNWANTED details.’
      Here is my explanation. You’ve got every right to stick to your opinion or otherwise.
      First of all, there is no rule about how long or short summary sentences should be. The bottom line is always that you must be seen to be ANSWERING THE QUESTION as briefly as possible. You cannot sacrifice relevance for brevity at all costs. In other words, sentence length or brevity is relative.
      Secondly, I don’t know what UNWANTED means. Could it be irrelevant or redundant? If so, then we still need to consider the nature of the questions we’re dealing with. Again, sacrifice relevant content for brevity and you may end up not ANSWERING THE QUESTION at all.
      Finally, let’s remember that when we rigidly stick to rules about language usage, we may find ourselves wanting each time the context changes just a little.

  5. Hi sir.
    Please sir when answering a summary, can you start by maybe you were asked state five causes of poverty can u start by
    i. The first cause of poverty is —
    ii. Another cause of poverty is —
    iii.The third cause of poverty is —
    Is this correct sir

    1. Hi Kingsley. There is nothing wrong with your approach. In all cases, what matters is that you are able to give the right POINTS in the right NUMBER of brief SENTENCES and in your own words as much as possible. The sentences below should be a perfect answer to a typical summary question. That is if these are the points referred to in the passage.
      i. The first cause of poverty is bad governance.
      ii. Another cause of poverty is laziness.
      iii. The third cause of poverty is poor financial management.
      Remember that simply saying things like the following is unacceptable. The reason is these are not SENTENCES but two phrases and a word, if you like.
      i. bad governance
      ii. laziness
      iii. poor financial management

  6. Emmanuel Abimbola

    Hi Sir,
    Your works are so impressive and I do appreciate them a lot; thanks for the good work
    My question centers on the sample summary questions. When you answer, you number your points but our teacher claims that might be wrong. Can you enlighten me please?

    1. Hi Emmanuel,
      A typical summary question goes like this: In two sentences, ONE FOR EACH, state the two causes of ….
      I see nothing wrong with following the above instruction by separating one point from the other and with the required number of sentences. It makes your answer much clearer and the examiner’s work much easier. And that, definitely, will count to your benefit.
      However, I don’t know exactly the way your teacher explained his approach so I cannot say much about that.
      Suffice it to say that what you need is to provide the required number of points in the required number of sentences and make that as clear as possible to the examiner. Good luck.

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