Top 5 Parts of Narrative Structure

The five parts of narrative structure are character, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. In this post, I will be doing two main things. First, I will explain the meaning of narrative structure. Secondly, I will show you the various components of narrative structure and what they actually mean in Literature.

So without further ado, let’s start by defining the literary term ‘narrative structure’.

The Meaning of Narrative Structure

We can define narrative structure as the organizational framework of a story. Narrative structure is a combination of plot and storyline that goes to make the narrative smooth and compelling.

Typically, the structural framework of a story includes a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Meaning of Parts of Narrative Structure

Thus, when we think about parts of narrative structure, the defining word to note is ‘structure’. In other words, we are typically looking at a question like, what goes into the way the whole story is built?

Does a narrative begin with a head and end with a tail?. Is there a middle part of a narrative? What are the ingredients that must be added to the storyline to make it as effective as possible?

The answers to these questions and similar ones constitute the ‘moving parts’ of narrative structure, so to speak.

It is now clear that narrative structure is an indispensable part of every novel or short story.

SEE ALSO: Top 6 Elements of a Narrative

Parts of Narrative Structure

Typically, there are five major parts of narrative structure. These parts of the structure of every narrative need to be incorporated into the narrative to make it sound and feel like a true literary work.

See below each of the five parts of narrative structure explained in greater detail.

1. Character

Character or characterization refers to the people that a writer creates out of his imagination. In most cases, the narrator gives his characters names that they can be easily identified with.

Besides names, characters in a narrative also possess such human qualities as physiological and emotional needs.

READ ALSO: 6 Aspects of Character In Literature

2. Setting

Setting refers to at least three things in the narrative structure of a novel. These aspects of setting in Literature are place, time, and atmosphere.


The place setting of a story is the geographical location within which the action takes place. Examples are a town, a village, a shop, a bar, a desert, or a courtroom.


A second aspect of setting in Literature is time. An author might choose to set her story in the early morning, evening, or midnight. She may also choose a particular month or season of the year.


This setting of a novel also refers to the kind of atmosphere within which certain actions occur. The prevailing mood could be one of agitation, joy, or suspense. Natural phenomena such as a storm, earthquake, or a heavy downpour of rain serve the purpose of creating the desired atmosphere in a narrative.

3. Plot

The plot of a story is a sequence of events that make a complete story. Put differently, plot is about the way the writer arranges incidents so that every episode becomes the cause, and the result, of another incident.

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4. Conflict

Conflict is what makes the plot of a narrative tick. Without conflict, you’re sure to have a rather boring narrative.

As one of the key parts of narrative structure, therefore, conflict ensures that there is a reasonable element of suspense and intrigue in every literary work.

Conflict in literature takes many forms. It could be an internal conflict within the protagonist. In such a scenario, you may have a clash of two or more contesting ideas, values, or aspirations in the mind of the protagonist.

On another level, there are inter-personal conflicts or even conflicts between families and communities.

So, as a character tries to achieve a certain goal, the opposing ideas or situations will make it difficult for him to do so. This is what generates interest in the storyline.

5. Resolution

The last of our five parts of narrative structure is resolution. Resolution in literature basically refers to the stage where all the conflicts may have been resolved successfully.

In the situation where the narrative ends with a cliffhanger, not all conflicts will have been resolved. In such cases, there may be a sequel to the novel.

MUST READ: 35 Narrative Techniques in Literature

Final thoughts

Now you know the five principal components of narrative structure. What other elements of literature would you like to understand? Please, let me know in a comment below.

You will find many more tutorials on Literature on this page.

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