The 5 Elements of Plot in Literature

The 5 elements of plot in Literature are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution or conclusion.

Before I tell you what each of the above five elements of plot means in narrative writing, we need to first get a definition of plot in literature.

So here comes a simple meaning of the term ‘plot’ as it applies to the art of storytelling.

The Meaning of Plot

Plot, in very simple terms, refers to the way a writer arranges incidents in a story so that every incident becomes the result of a previous one. Thus, plot in literature works on the basis of cause and effect as the story moves through time.

Elements of Plot

Traditionally, the plot of a narrative moves in the order of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement or resolution. These are what we refer to as the 5 elements of plot.

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We shall now spend the next few minutes making sure we understand the 5 elements of plot. So if you’re ready to get the meaning of the elements of plot, come along with me.

1. Exposition

This element of plot is at the introduction stage of a story. The exposition is the start of the novel, drama, or film and it comprises the following.

  • The writer introduces the setting.
  • Major characters in the narrative also get a mention in the exposition.
  • The writer also gives the reader as much background information as possible. This is to enable the reader to understand the coming events as they unfold.
  • The exposition may just take a couple of chapters to be done with.

2. Rising Action

The rising action in the plot of a narrative usually involves an extensive description of the incidents that create a build-up to the climax.

  • It is the second part of the plot coming just after the exposition.
  • At the rising action stage of the plot of a story, the reader is introduced to the conflict.
  • The rising action, therefore, prepares the reader for the most intense part of the plot (climax).

This is why the rising action could take quite a sizeable chunk of the whole narrative.

3. Climax

Please take note of the following points about the climax as an important stage in the plot of a literary work.

  • The climax is the third stage in the plot. It comes after the rising action.
  • Climax refers to the most exciting stage in the narrative. It is, in fact, the peak of emotions.
  • It is where the conflict gets so intense that things come to a head for the protagonist.
  • In most cases, this is a moment of decision for the protagonist.
  • The climax may also represent an epiphany for the main character.
  • At this stage, the story might turn in a different direction as it moves on to the conclusion.
  • Thus, the climax marks the turning point in the narrative.

4. Falling Action

The falling action part of the plot prepares the reader for the conclusion. It is the next stage after the climax.

By this stage in the story, the intensity of emotions that both the characters and the reader have been experiencing will now begin to subside.

Below are some key points to note about the falling action as one of the 5 essential elements of plot.

  • The falling action contains the immediate aftermath and reactions to the events in the climax.
  • This is where the writer tells the reader about all the actions and reactions that happen as a result of the events in the climax and just before the resolution.

5. Resolution

The last of the 5 elements of plot in Literature is the resolution.

The resolution is also known as denouement. It is all about the actions and events that finally bring the story to an end.

So here are the key points you must remember about the resolution.

  • It is the conclusion stage of the plot.
  • All loose ends are tied and the sticky issues that create the conflicts are resolved.
  • It is important to note, however, that the writer may choose an ending in which there is no clear resolution of the issues. This is what is known as a cliffhanger ending.

Final thoughts

We have seen in this tutorial that the 5 elements of plot in a literary work are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. Whether you are an aspiring writer, a teacher, or a student of Literature, you need to fully understand these elements of plot. This knowledge will help you to effectively write or appreciate a narrative.

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