How Greed Led Ahab to Sin

Greed led Ahab to sin at a certain stage during his reign over the northern kingdom of Israel. You can find the bible story of how Ahab coveted Naboth’s vineyard at I Kings 21: 1 – 29.

A typical WAEC/NECO question on how greed led Ahab to sin is this CRS past question from WASSCE 2006:

a. Outline how Ahab displayed greed in his dealings with Naboth.

b. What three lessons can be learnt from the episode?

It is important for you to note that “Greed and its Effects” is a key topic in your WAEC/WASSCE Christian Religious Studies syllabus.

So, apart from knowing how greed led Ahab to sin, you also need to know the effects or consequences of greed in the bible.

The moral lessons to be learnt from Ahab’s greed and sin are equally important.

Are you ready to learn how greed led king Ahab of Israel to sin in the Naboth’s vineyard incident? Then keep reading.

Naboth’s Vineyard

Naboth the Jezreelittes, had a vineyard beside the palace of Ahab. Ahab wanted to extend his palace gardens and requested Naboth to sell or exchange his land for another. Clearly, Ahab was not satisfied with what he already had. So he wanted more.

SEE ALSO: How Greed Led Gehazi to Sin

Naboth declined Ahab’s request. This was mainly because the vineyard in question was a family property. As an inheritance from previous generations, it was not proper for Naboth to let it go.

Ahab went home very sad and would not eat that night.

The queen, Jezebel, convinced Ahab to tell her the cause of his sadness. She then promised to give him the vineyard by any means possible.


Jezebel proceeded to write letters in the name of the king to the elders of the land proclaiming a fast. A fast was proclaimed during national emergencies especially when a serious crime had been committed.

Jezebel then recruited two worthless fellows to accuse Naboth of cursing God and the King. The punishment for this offence was death by stoning.

This was how Jezebel had Naboth accused of blasphemy and stoned to death.

Thus, Ahab allowed Jezebel to use fraudulent means to murder Naboth and dispossess him of his rightful family property.

Prophet Elijah Rebuked Ahab

Elijah, the prophet, denounced Ahab for aiding an abetting a heinous crime against an innocent citizen. He cursed Jezebel and prophesied the liquidation of Ahab’s house.

Implications of Ahab’s Greed and Sin

Below are the implications of Ahab’s greed and sin, its enormity and effects.

1. The Israelites believed that, land belonged to God. The inheritor only held it in trust for the dead, the living and generations yet unborn. This explains why Naboth refused to sell the land to Ahab.

2. “Ahab went home annoyed and sad” This statement throws light on the right of the king. The king of Israel was God’s steward who was expected to rule them in accordance with his laws. For that matter, there was nothing Ahab could do. It would only take Jezebel’s wicked, illegal plot to give Ahab what he wanted.

3. Jezebel’s action meant that she was introducing oriental despotism into Israel. This was a practice in the East where the kings had absolute powers and ruled as they liked.


4 .The story of how greed led Ahab to sin also portrays Jezebel as a wicked person. Ahab, on the other hand, comes across as a weak person who was controlled by his domineering wife.

5. Elijah’s role in the story reveals that a prophet was not only a spokesman of God but a person who also defended the rights of the poor in society.

6 .The consequence of Ahab’s greed and sin came when Jehu carried out his prophetic revolution. The innocent blood that Jezebel shed was avenged when she herself was thrown down from the top of a building to die. Most of the members of the Omri household were also killed.

RECOMMENDED: Jehu’s Prophetic Revolution – Causes, Course and Consequences.

Moral Lessons from Ahab’s Greed

Just as greed led Ahab to sin, it can lead any other believer to do commit a sin. This is why it is important to learn the moral lessons from the bible story of how greed made Ahab sin against God and man.

Here are the moral lessons.

  1. Every leader must respect the rights of individuals
  2. Material wealth is not everything but a means to an end.
  3. People in authority must not use their position to cheat or destroy others.
  4. Family property should be held sacred and protected.
  5. Leaders must not be greedy
  6. We should be content with what we have.
  7. It is necessary to desist from greed and covetousness.
  8. Nothing can remain hidden from God.
  9. People who allow greed to make them sin shall receive God’s punishment in due course.

Final thoughts

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