5 Features of the Best WASSCE Remedial Schools (Ghana)

The best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana or elsewhere can be identified in terms of the cost of tuition, quality of teaching staff, track record, level of integrity and discipline.

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Whether you wish to find a list of the best WASSCE remedial schools in Accra, Kumasi, Tema, Ashaiman, Takoradi, Cape Coast or Agona Swedru, remember that not all WASSCE remedial classes are created equal.

While some WASSCE remedial schools are blessed with a combination of all the above features of the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana there are those who can only boast of two things: flashy facilities and a deep-seated culture of corruption.

Certainly, the latter cannot take you far. That is if you’re thinking of preparing yourself adequately for a combination of excellent legit WASSCE grades and a solid foundation for your future endeavours.

Who is this information for?

Are you in this category of students looking for the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana?

Are you planning to sit for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination organized by the West African Examinations Council?

SEE ALSO: How to Prepare for Life After School

You could be a school candidate sitting for the WASSCE for the very first time or a Senior High School graduate intending to re-sit and better your grades.

Maybe you’re an adult learner going to start learning everything from scratch. And for that matter, you’re looking to attend one of the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana.

It could even be that you’re a parent who is interested in identifying the best WASSCE Remedial schools in GHANA for the sake of your child’s good performance.

Well, since the bottom line is you desire excellent grades for yourself or for a loved one, you’re most probably thinking about enrollment in a quality remedial classes programme to achieve your aim.

Tips to Identify the Best WASSCE Remedial Schools

Then comes the mother of all questions. How can you tell the best WASSCE remedial schools from the many not-so-good ones around?

Not to worry. I’m here to guide you to make the right choice. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees. It isn’t there to be picked and thrown carelessly at just anybody who demands it with a promise to give you what you want.

My advice is that you need to be careful because not all that glitters is gold. I’m sure you’re aware of this old saying.

Are you aware also that not all gold glitters? That’s a fact, too.

For almost two decades, I’ve guided thousands of remedial learners (both as regular school students and as private candidates) to achieve results many people thought were impossible.


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So I’m really well-placed to give you the below hints as to what you should look out for. As you look for a place to attend your WASSCE remedial classes, let the below features of the best WASSCE remedial schools or classes be your guide.

1. How much do they charge for tuition?

Listen to me. Never equate the level of tuition fees with the quality of tuition.

There are many students and parents who continue to make this terrible mistake.

Some of those who chose particular remedial learning centres in the past based solely on their high tuition fees (and ignored or even ridiculed others because of their moderate fees) would tell you how they wished they had known better.

It isn’t automatic that when you pay for expensive tuition you would get excellent results, is it? This is why you need to consider the other factors too.

2. What is the calibre of teachers available?

True, we cannot downplay the importance of higher academic or professional qualification of teachers in the teaching and learning process. It is necessary for a teacher to be properly qualified in the subject they teach.

But there’s a catch here too. I know teachers with a string of degrees who are very lazy or do not know how to impart knowledge effectively to students.

Some people are only after your money, so to speak.

They have no interest in teaching. So, please, never let their qualifications fool you? And you know? Sometimes you may not be able to verify the qualifications they claim to have. So, beware.

The best scenario is to have teachers who know their stuff, are willing to deliver it, and are capable of doing so with relative ease and with enthusiasm.

3. What is their previous performance like?

Reputation counts a lot when it comes to identifying the characteristics of the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana.

At Cegast Academy, for example, much of our advertisement is by word of mouth. Past students and parents of past students who tasted the quality of our teaching and went home with very good results are the ones who do much of the advertising for us.

Let me use this opportunity to thank all you guys who once passed through the gates of Cegast Academy for your continued trust in the quality of the Cegast Academy experience. We are looking for testimonials and success stories to display on our website. So, please, feel free to contact me if you would like to help. I can assure you that everything we publish shall first receive your express approval.

Oops! That was a little bit of diversion. Sorry about that.

Now to the point about how to identify the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana. Before you select a particular place to have your WAEC WASSCE remedial classes, just ask around.

Look for a couple of past students or clients and let them tell you about their experience. If you love what you hear, great! If not, you definitely know what to do. Simply jump before you’re pushed!

4. Do they value integrity?

Personally, I strongly believe that integrity is the best panacea for success in life. Look for integrity as you go in search of the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana.

I’ve had a few occasions where some people turned their back on Cegast Academy when they learned that we would not indulge in, nor encourage any form of examination malpractice among our students. Well, what can I say? Too bad for them. It is my firm belief that integrity is capital invested. If the returns are not immediate, they’ll definitely show up in the long run.

Now let me ask you this simple question. If possession of leaked exam questions prior to the time for the paper, for example, is the magic wand for a good performance, why then do we still see so many re-sitters in the private examination every year?

Is it not true that each time there’s going to be an examination, many teachers gang up with professional leaked-question wholesalers and retailers to tax students heavily in return for those so-called “sure banker questions”?

Then why the persistent poor results for so many?

My point is this: Any so-called best WASSCE remedial school with the shameless reputation of assisting their students to cheat in external examinations is not worthy of its own name.

What such WASSCE remedial classes centres end up doing is raising false hopes in students, discouraging them from taking their studies seriously while making them see an otherwise easy-to-pass examination as a monster that can only be overcome by any means – fair or foul!

The best WASSCE remedial schools are the ones that instil in their students the importance of proper, all-weather preparation.

The Cegast Academy Experience

At Cegast Academy, we have proven time and again that this is the best approach. How? First, we show you the reasons why you’re not getting the results you want and then we guide you to get the results through sustained genuine effort.

Funnily, there are times when our students watch others from other places jump and jubilate as soon as a paper is over only to cry later when the results are finally released by WAEC.

The best WASSCE remedial school for you to choose is the one that will make you grin from ear to ear on the day you see your result, not only on the day you came out of the examination room.

5. What is the level of discipline?

I’m about to tell you the truth finally if you still haven’t found out. Effective teaching and learning can only happen in a disciplined environment. Never forget this while you search for the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana.

No, don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about the type of remedial learning centre where ‘martial law’ is their only code of conduct.

If you ask my past students they’ll tell you that I encourage an atmosphere of freedom and fun in the classroom. No one can learn anything well under duress. So that’s not what I mean by discipline.

Before you settle on your choice of a good remedial learning centre, find out if students are allowed to do as they please or they’re made to conform to certain basic rules necessary for effective learning.

  • Do teachers and students take their time table and assignments seriously?
  • Do students place a higher premium on their outward appearance and possessions (dressing, smartphones, etc.) than on classroom learning and exercises?
  • Are the teachers more interested in discussing partisan politics and other unnecessary topics than in doing the actual teaching?

Final thoughts

No one will pay money to any teacher or group of teachers in return for poor results at the end of the day. I’ve been able to outline some of the major attributes of both good, result-oriented WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana and the not-so-good ones.

Now you know what to do when it comes to selecting the best WASSCE remedial schools in Ghana. Just make sure you choose right if you truly desire to move up to the next level after the examination.

Did you find this information helpful? Then share it on your favourite social media platform for the benefit of others you care about. Thank you!

Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash


  • Cegast Academy empowers students, mature learners, teachers, and parents with top-notch educational resources and publishing services. The centre boasts of a rich experience in English and Literature tutoring with a proven track record. Since 2001, Cegast Academy has successfully coached thousands of High School General Arts WASSCE candidates in English, Literature, and related subjects. With a combination of expertise and a passion for lifelong learning, the platform guides learners from diverse backgrounds to achieve their educational and career goals.

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1 thought on “5 Features of the Best WASSCE Remedial Schools (Ghana)”

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