The Meaning of Lexis and Structure in English Language (with 100 Examples)

In any English Language test, the term ‘Lexis and Structure’ refers to a set of questions that assess a candidate’s mastery of both English vocabulary (Lexis) and the proper organization and arrangement of words and groups of words in a sentence (structure)

Typically, phrases, clauses, punctuation, capitalization, tense, concord and different grammatical forms come under the ‘Structure’ aspect of Lexis and Structure.

Are you looking for the exact meaning of Lexis and Structure in English illustrated with a lot of examples? This tutorial is for you.

Soon, you will have the complete meaning of Lexis and Structure. This is quickly followed by an extensive collection of examples in the form of multiple-choice objective questions and answers.

Let’s continue with further explanations of “lexis” and “structure” as two separate concepts in language and linguistics but often used together.

What is Lexis in English?

In English, Lexis means the vocabulary or words that we use in a language. It encompasses all the individual words, phrases, and expressions that make up a language’s vocabulary.

Note that Lexis is not limited to nouns, verbs, and adjectives. It also includes adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and more.

In fact, in English Lexis is about the building blocks of language that convey meaning.

Thus, anytime we talk about expanding our lexis or vocabulary, we mean learning and using a wider range of words and expressions to communicate more effectively.

What is Structure in English?

Structure in English language learning, on the other hand, refers to the organization and arrangement of words, phrases, and clauses to create meaningful and grammatically correct sentences.

It encompasses the rules and patterns that govern how words can be combined to convey meaning.

Structure, therefore, includes elements like syntax, grammar, and sentence construction.

For example, in English, we follow a specific sentence structure where a typical sentence consists of a subject, a verb, and an object (SVO).

From there, we can create other sentence structures like a subject, a verb and an adverb (SVA) or a subject, a verb, an object and an adverb (SVOA).

In order to communicate effectively, it is important for students to understand and use correct sentence structures.

In a nutshell, lexis deals with the words and vocabulary of a language, while structure is all about the rules and patterns governing how these words are organized to create meaningful communication.

Finally, note that both lexis and structure are vital aspects of language. This is because they work together to make a clear and effective expression of thoughts and ideas possible.

Next, you will have the examples of Lexis and Structure I promised you a moment ago.

Lexis and Structure Question Examples

To further illustrate the meaning of Lexis and Structure, I’m giving you a total of 100 sample Lexis and Structure objective test questions.

You will have fifty multiple-choice objective questions under Lexis followed by the same number under Structure.

PLEASE NOTE. It is best for you to answer the questions before taking a look at the correct answers beneath each set.

Are you a high school student or a teacher looking for WAEC/WASSCE Lexis and Structure past questions and answers?

You can have a large collection of WASSCE questions in English Language Lexis and Structure right here at Cegast Academy.

Lexis Multiple-Choice Questions

In the coming questions on Lexis, you will realize that the main concern is the meaning, form and identity of words and expressions in English.

This is why Lexis test questions tend to be about topics like synonyms, antonyms, collocations and homophones.

1. Which of the following is an example of a noun? a) Run b) Quickly c) Table d) Beautifully

2. Identify the adjective in the sentence: “The sky is clear.” a) The b) Sky c) Is d) Clear

3. Which word is an adverb in the sentence: “She sings beautifully.” a) She b) Sings c) Beautifully d) The

4. What part of speech is the word “happily” in the sentence: “He smiled happily”? a) Noun b) Verb c) Adjective d) Adverb

5. Choose the synonym for “vivid”: a) Dull b) Bright c) Quiet d) Sad

6. Which word is a synonym for “benevolent”? a) Cruel b) Generous c) Careless d) Angry

7. What is the antonym of “brave”? a) Cowardly b) Fearful c) Strong d) Happy

8. In the phrase “big blue car,” which words are adjectives? a) Big, blue b) Big, car c) Blue, car d) Blue

9. Identify the compound word in the following: “basketball.” a) Basket b) Ball c) Basket and ball d) None of the above

10. Which word is a homophone for “their”? a) There b) They’re c) Thier d) Thayr

11. What is the plural form of “child”? a) Childs b) Children c) Childes d) Childer

Choose the correct spelling of the word meaning “a sudden insight”: a) Revelation b) Revalation c) Revelaition d) Revelashun

Which word is a synonym for “confident”? a) Unsure b) Shy c) Bold d) Quiet

What is the opposite of “to arrive”? a) To depart b) To wait c) To sleep d) To eat

Which word is an example of onomatopoeia? a) Beautiful b) Meow c) Quickly d) Slowly

What is the plural form of “mouse” (the computer accessory)? a) Mouses b) Mice c) Mice’s d) Mousen

What part of speech is the word “with” in the sentence: “He went with his friends”? a) Noun b) Verb c) Adjective d) Preposition

Which word is a conjunction in the sentence: “I will study hard, so I can succeed”? a) Study b) Hard c) So d) Succeed

What is the plural form of “person”? a) Persons b) People c) Peoples d) Persons’

Choose the synonym for “joyful”: a) Sad b) Happy c) Angry d) Tired

In the phrase “red apple,” which word is the adjective? a) Red b) Apple c) Red and apple d) None of the above

Which word is a homophone for “flower”? a) Flour b) Flawer c) Fower d) Floer

What is the antonym of “begin”? a) Start b) Commence c) Finish d) Initiate

Identify the preposition in the sentence: “The cat is under the table.” a) The b) Cat c) Is d) Under

Choose the synonym for “fear”: a) Joy b) Happiness c) Dread d) Laughter

Which word is a synonym for “vocabulary”? a) Words b) Sentences c) Language d) Grammar

What is the plural form of “goose”? a) Geese b) Gooses c) Goose’s d) Gese

What part of speech is the word “quickly” in the sentence: “She ran quickly”? a) Noun b) Verb c) Adjective d) Adverb

What is the opposite of “to expand”? a) To shrink b) To grow c) To increase d) To develop

Which word is a conjunction in the sentence: “He neither sings nor dances”? a) Sings b) Dances c) Neither d) Nor

In the phrase “tall tree,” which word is the noun? a) Tall b) Tree c) Tall and tree d) None of the above

What is the plural form of “man”? a) Mans b) Mens c) Man’s d) Men

Choose the synonym for “beautiful”: a) Ugly b) Pretty c) Handsome d) Plain

Which word is a homophone for “peace”? a) Piece b) Pease c) Pce d) Peec

What is the antonym of “empty”? a) Full b) Void c) Blank d) Hollow

Identify the adverb in the sentence: “They sang loudly.” a) They b) Sang c) Loudly d) The

What is the plural form of “child”? a) Childs b) Children c) Childes d) Childer

Choose the correct spelling of the word meaning “a sudden insight”: a) Revelation b) Revalation c) Revelaition d) Revelashun

Which word is a synonym for “confident”? a) Unsure b) Shy c) Bold d) Quiet

What is the opposite of “to arrive”? a) To depart b) To wait c) To sleep d) To eat

Which word is an example of onomatopoeia? a) Beautiful b) Meow c) Quickly d) Slowly

What is the plural form of “mouse” (the computer accessory)? a) Mouses b) Mice c) Mice’s d) Mousen

What part of speech is the word “with” in the sentence: “He went with his friends”? a) Noun b) Verb c) Adjective d) Preposition

Which word is a conjunction in the sentence: “I will study hard, so I can succeed”? a) Study b) Hard c) So d) Succeed

What is the plural form of “person”? a) Persons b) People c) Peoples d) Persons’

Choose the synonym for “joyful”: a) Sad b) Happy c) Angry d) Tired

In the phrase “red apple,” which word is the adjective? a) Red b) Apple c) Red and apple d) None of the above

Which word is a homophone for “flower”? a) Flour b) Flawer c) Fower d) Floer

What is the antonym of “begin”? a) Start b) Commence c) Finish d) Initiate

Identify the preposition in the sentence: “The cat is under the table.” a) The b) Cat c) Is d) Under

Answers for Lexis Questions

  1. c) Table

2. d) Clear

3. c) Beautifully

4. d) Adverb

5. b) Bright

6. b) Generous

7. a) Cowardly

8. a) Big, blue

a) Basket

a) There

b) Children

a) Revelation

c) Bold

a) To depart

b) Meow

b) Mice

d) Preposition

c) So

b) People

b) Happy

a) Red

a) Flour

c) Finish

d) Under

c) Dread

c) Language

a) Geese

d) Adverb

a) To shrink

c) Neither

b) Tree

d) Men

b) Pretty

a) Piece

a) Full

c) Loudly

b) Children

a) Revelation

c) Bold

a) To depart

b) Meow

b) Mice

d) Preposition

c) So

b) People

b) Happy

a) Red

d) Floer

c) Finish

d) Under

Let’s have a similar set of fifty questions under Structure.

Structure Multiple-Choice Questions

1. What is the subject of the sentence: “She is reading a book”? a) She b) Is c) Reading d) Book

2. Identify the verb in the sentence: “They danced gracefully.” a) They b) Danced c) Gracefully d) The

Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence? a) I like pizza. b) She studied hard. c) He read a book and watched a movie. d) The sun shines brightly.

What is the direct object in the sentence: “John ate an apple”? a) John b) Ate c) An d) Apple

Choose the correct sentence with proper subject-verb agreement: a) The dogs is barking. b) The dog are barking. c) The dogs are barking. d) The dog is barking.

Which word is a conjunction in the sentence: “I want ice cream, but I’m on a diet”? a) Want b) Ice c) But d) Diet

What is the object of the preposition in the sentence: “She sat next to the window”? a) She b) Sat c) Next d) Window

In the sentence “The cat chased the mouse,” what is the subject complement? a) The b) Cat c) Chased d) Mouse

Which of the following is a complex sentence? a) She ran fast. b) I like pizza. c) Although it rained, we went to the park. d) Birds sing beautifully.

Identify the indirect object in the sentence: “He gave Mary a gift.” a) He b) Gave c) Mary d) Gift

Which sentence is in the passive voice? a) The cat chased the dog. b) The book was read by her. c) She sang a song. d) They play soccer.

What is the antecedent of the pronoun “it” in the sentence: “The cake was delicious; I couldn’t resist eating it”? a) The cake b) Delicious c) I d) Eating

Choose the sentence with proper punctuation: a) I’m going to the store. b) Im going to the store. c) I’m going to the store d) I’m going to the store?

Which word is an interjection in the sentence: “Wow, that’s amazing!” a) Wow b) That’s c) Amazing d) The

What is the predicate in the sentence: “The sun rises in the east”? a) The b) Sun c) Rises d) East

Which sentence contains a gerund phrase? a) She sang beautifully. b) Swimming is my favorite hobby. c) He reads books. d) The car is fast.

What is the plural form of “child”? a) Childs b) Children c) Childes d) Childer

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence: “Because it rained, the picnic was canceled.” a) Because b) It c) Rained d) Canceled

In the sentence “The teacher praised the students,” what is the transitive verb? a) The b) Teacher c) Praised d) Students

Choose the sentence with proper subject-verb agreement: a) The dog run in the park. b) The dogs runs in the park. c) The dog runs in the park. d) The dogs run in the park.

What is the direct object in the sentence: “She painted a beautiful picture”? a) She b) Painted c) A d) Picture

Which of the following is a simple sentence? a) He studied hard for the test. b) Because it was raining, they stayed indoors. c) Cats and dogs make great pets. d) I enjoy reading novels.

Identify the preposition in the sentence: “The cat is on the roof.” a) The b) Cat c) Is d) On

In the sentence “The book on the shelf is red,” what is the subject complement? a) The b) Book c) Is d) Red

What is the object of the preposition in the sentence: “She walked through the forest”? a) She b) Walked c) Through d) Forest

Choose the sentence with proper punctuation: a) He said, “Hello.” b) He said “Hello.” c) He said Hello. d) He said Hello?

What is the predicate in the sentence: “The birds are singing in the trees”? a) The b) Birds c) Are singing d) Trees

Which sentence contains a participial phrase? a) She sings beautifully. b) Singing is her passion. c) The book, written by a famous author, is excellent. d) They danced all night.

What is the antecedent of the pronoun “they” in the sentence: “John and Mary went to the park, and they had a great time”? a) John b) Mary c) Park d) Time

Which word is an interjection in the sentence: “Oh no, I forgot my keys”? a) Oh b) No c) Forgot d) Keys

What is the predicate in the sentence: “The car sped down the highway”? a) The b) Car c) Sped down d) Highway

Which sentence is in the passive voice? a) She painted a beautiful picture. b) The cake was baked by her. c) They played soccer. d) He reads books.

In the sentence “The cat chased the mouse,” what is the direct object? a) The b) Cat c) Chased d) Mouse

What is the subordinating conjunction in the sentence: “Although it was raining, they went for a walk”? a) Although b) It c) Raining d) Walk

Which sentence is in the imperative mood? a) She is singing a song. b) Please pass me the salt. c) They played soccer. d) He reads books.

What is the predicate nominative in the sentence: “She is a doctor”? a) She b) Is c) A d) Doctor

Identify the adverbial phrase in the sentence: “He ran with great speed.” a) He b) Ran c) With great speed d) Speed

In the sentence “The book on the shelf is red,” what is the subject? a) The b) Book c) On d) Shelf

Which of the following is an example of a conditional sentence? a) She sang beautifully. b) If it rains, we’ll stay indoors. c) Cats and dogs make great pets. d) I enjoy reading novels.

What is the predicate adjective in the sentence: “The flowers are beautiful”? a) The b) Flowers c) Are d) Beautiful

What is the predicate in the sentence: “The dog barked loudly”? a) The b) Dog c) Barked loudly d) Loudly

Which sentence contains an infinitive phrase? a) She sings beautifully. b) To swim is my favorite activity. c) The book was interesting. d) They danced all night.

What is the antecedent of the pronoun “she” in the sentence: “Mary went to the store, and she bought some groceries”? a) Mary b) Store c) Groceries d) Went

Identify the preposition in the sentence: “The cat is under the table.” a) The b) Cat c) Is d) Under

What is the predicate in the sentence: “The sun shines brightly”? a) The b) Sun c) Shines brightly d) Brightly

Which sentence is in the imperative mood? a) She is singing a song. b) Please pass me the salt. c) They played soccer. d) He reads books.

What is the predicate adjective in the sentence: “The sky is clear”? a) The b) Sky c) Is d) Clear

Identify the appositive phrase in the sentence: “My friend Sam, a talented artist, painted a beautiful mural.” a) My friend Sam b) A talented artist c) Painted d) A beautiful mural

In the sentence “The book on the shelf is red,” what is the prepositional phrase? a) The book b) On the shelf c) Is red d) The shelf

Which of the following is an example of an imperative sentence? a) He is playing the guitar. b) Please close the door. c) They read books. d) She sings beautifully.

Answers for Structure Questions

1. a) She

2. b) Danced

3. c) He read a book and watched a movie.

d) Apple

d) The dog is barking.

c) But

d) Window

d) Mouse

c) Although it rained, we went to the park.

c) Mary

b) The book was read by her.

a) The cake

a) I’m going to the store.

a) Oh

c) Rises

b) Singing is my favorite hobby.

b) Children

a) Because

c) Praised

c) The dog runs in the park.

d) Picture

c) Cats and dogs make great pets.

d) On

d) Red

c) Through

a) He said, “Hello.”

c) Sped down

c) The book, written by a famous author, is excellent.

d) Time

a) Oh

c) Sped down

b) The cake was baked by her.

d) Mouse

a) Although

b) Please pass me the salt.

d) Doctor

c) With great speed

b) Book

b) If it rains, we’ll stay indoors.

d) Beautiful

c) Barked loudly

b) To swim is my favorite activity.

a) Mary

d) Under

c) Shines brightly

b) Please pass me the salt.

d) Clear

b) A talented artist

b) On the shelf

b) Please close the door.

These questions cover various aspects of language structure and should be suitable for a senior high school English class.

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