How to Cope With the Shock of Failing a School Examination

To say that failing a school examination is not a pleasant experience is a huge understatement. People have been known to attempt taking their own lives after hearing the news of failure in an examination.

Others have fallen into severe depression from which they never recover. For others, the shame and ridicule they suffer have left them devastated.

Parents have disinherited or even disowned their children just because they failed to live up to their expectations in a school test.

It is not a crime to fail.

Let’s face it. Does failing a school examination necessarily warrant all these pains the failed person goes through? To me, the answer must be an unequivocal no.

After all, who hasn’t failed before?

So that’s where I want us to begin looking at some awesome ideas I have for you. They will help to alleviate the pain and discomfort if you’re still finding it tough to cope with the shock of failing a school examination lately.

It’s all about the “smart” ones …

Remember, my emphasis is on the word shock.

This article is about people who thought only some sinister force could have caused their failure. We are referring to the so-called “smart chap” everyone knew and respected in class before the examination.

These were students who were relatively good in class – mostly on top in all internal examination – the teacher’s favourite boy or girl.

So they expected nothing less than a good credit grade. But it wasn’t going to happen. They failed to the consternation of not only themselves but also to those around them – neighbours, mates, siblings and parents.

Listen to me, carefully.

Are you such an examination candidate who has just viewed those unbelievable results? So you’re planning to hang yourself to death, right?

Well … eerrrhhmm, Nope! Pull yourself together and let me tell you how to cope with the examination failure.

Consider failure as a gift from the universe

Me? Failure as GIFT? From where? To me?

Okay, yes, failure, even academic failure can provide you with an opportunity. God may just as well be using this failure to nudge you towards choosing a new life direction. All you need to do is to look that way and you will find the most golden opportunity that you’ve always overlooked.

Tell yourself failure has never been the end of the road.

If it had, so many people might not have been able to reach where they have gotten to in spite of failing in school examinations.

In fact, you might even do better in life without the paper qualification. Sometimes, all the certificate does is to render you incapable of thinking to apply your knowledge to solve human problems.

The majority of successful people were not A-graders.

No, don’t misunderstand me, It is a good thing to do well in an examination. But when you fail, it does not mean you can never be successful. You still can be successful even after failing a school examination.

I am directly pointing this one out to you if you’ve tried unsuccessfully to get a better result on several occasions.

Sometimes, your next trial could be the last. The results will make you smile at long last. But what if there is no hope?

Then I advise you to take a smart decision.

Put your all into something that makes you truly come alive. Then wait patiently to see the results.

Give thanks for your failure

Celebrate your failure. Yes, say to yourself God knows why he does the things he does.

Even in distressing situations like this, find a place on your face and give it a really broad smile. Then clear your mind of all the emotional garbage accumulated over the years.

Gratitude is a fantastic way to prepare your way for the next big thing coming your way. You may not see it but it is coming.

Last word …

We all have ever failed in life before. Some of the lessons are tough, but they are worth the effort. Just remember that your failure in a school examination could be a blessing in disguise.

So get up and find something more profitable doing with your time. You will succeed in life, even if you failed to succeed after failing a school examination.

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Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

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