76 Probable WASSCE Economics Questions

There is a good chance you will see one or two of these WASSCE Economics questions on problems African economies keep facing in your next WASSCE or other  examination.

76 Probable problem-related questions in WASSCE Economics

1. What factors account for the low productivity of agriculture in your country?
2. What factors have hindered industrial development in West African countries?

3. Explain why there are many petty traders in West Africa.
4. Why do doctors earn higher salaries than labourers?
5. What are the causes of the balance of payment problems in your country?
6. Why is the sole – proprietorship a common form of business organization in West Africa?
7. Why may a developing country minimize its participation in international trade?
8. Explain the factors that can cause an increase in the demand for a commodity.
9. What are the factors that give rise to monopolies?
10. Why do governments control prices?
11. What are the reasons for privatization of government enterprises in your country?
12. Explain why in the long – run a perfectly competitive firm cannot earn an abnormal profit.
13. What factors contribute to economic growth?
14. Explain why in a free market economy all consumers do not have an equal chance of determining what is produced.
15. What are the causes of a change in demand?
16. Account for the rapid growth in the population of your country.
17. What are the reasons for artificial barriers in international trade?
18. Explain the causes of unemployment in your country.
19. Why is the level of agricultural output in your country low?
20. What are the causes of inflation in Ghana?
21. Explain the causes of unemployment in your country.
22. Describe three reasons why indirect taxes contribute a larger proportion of government tax revenue in your country.
23. Why do most developing countries rely more on indirect taxes as a source of government revenue?
24. Why do governments intervene in the operation of the price mechanism?
25. Explain any four reasons why the secondary sector contributes a small proportion of total output in a developing country.
26. Discuss the factors which influence the level of unemployment in your country.
27. Why does the government of your country impose indirect taxes?
28. Explain four causes of unemployment in your country.
29. Discuss any four causes of rapid urbanization in your country.
30. Why are developing countries eager to establish manufacturing industries?
31. Account for the low productivity of farmers in your country.
32. Highlight the main causes of unstable farmers’ income in your country.
33. What conditions make a market imperfect?
34. Give reasons why a country would adopt indirect taxation instead of direct taxation.
35. Explain any three main causes of a change in supply.
36. Highlight any three factors inhibiting industrial production in your country.
37. Why do governments sometimes promote monopolies?
38. Outline the motives for demanding money.
39. Give any four reasons why the governments of West African countries have adopted the policy of development planning.
40. Explain any five reasons why the manufacturing sector’s contribution to the economies of West African countries is low.
41. State any four factors that are responsible for an increase in rural-urban migration in West Africa.
42. State any five reasons why it is necessary for the government to intervene in the economy of a country.
43. Why do people demand money for speculative purposes?
44. Why do countries impose restrictions on international trade?
45. Give four reasons for the increase in the number of sole – proprietorship forms of business in your country.
46. Give five reasons why some manufacturers bypass the wholesaler in the distribution of their products.
47. Give two reasons for the occurrence of abnormal demand.
48. Give three reasons for the establishment of the African Development Bank.
49. State four factors that hinder the mobility of labour.

50. Give three reasons for a change in demand.
51. Describe four causes of unemployment.
52. Give three reasons for the establishment of the African Development Bank.
53. Explain briefly three reasons why people prefer to hold money instead of other assets.
54. Highlight four situations that may give rise to the abnormal demand curve.
55. Highlight the factors that are likely to encourage a cocoa farmer to supply more of the commodity.
56. Give five reasons why governments in West Africa desire to have their countries industrialized.
57. Why do countries impose restrictions on international trade?
58. Identify five reasons why the manufacturing sector’s contribution to the economies of West African countries is small.
59. Explain five ways in which a monopoly can arise.
60. Explain four ways in which a monopoly can arise.
61. State three reasons why government imposes maximum price control.
62. Explain any four conditions that make price discrimination possible.
63. In what four circumstances can the middleman be eliminated from the chain of distribution?
64. Describe any four causes of change in demand.
65. State four reasons each why the contribution of the secondary and tertiary sectors increases as an economy develops.
66. Describe any three factors that can cause a decrease in the demand for a commodity.
67. Outline four reasons why a higher Gross National Output in country X than in country Y may not necessarily mean that economic welfare in country X is greater.
68. Explain four reasons why indirect taxes are more desirable than direct taxes.
69. List any four factors that can lead to a change in demand.
70. Outline any four reasons why countries impose restrictions on international trade.
71. Account for any four reasons why farmers’ incomes are unstable in West Africa.
72. State any four reasons for establishing public corporations.
73. Give any four reasons for the increase in government spending in your country.

74. Highlight any four reasons why it is difficult to attract foreign investment into your country.

75. Account for the sharp increase in the prices of consumer goods in an economy.

76. Give five reasons why the government of your country receives foreign aid.

Good Luck!

Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

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